From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)
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Performing top and tail edits
From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)
Performing top and tail edits
- [Instructor] All types of trimming involve adding or removing frames from the shots in your sequence. And so far, we've been using various tools to accomplish this through standard trims and ripples and rolls and slips and slides, all of which are found within this tool palette here. Now I'd like to introduce you to another type of trim that's just a key stroke away, and that's top and tail editing. I'm going to load my pre top tail dialogue sequence in my 4.4 bin. And we've seen this before, it's a roughed in version of our interview segments. Everything is basically in the right order, but in this version of the sequence, things are a little messy in terms of where the shots begin and end. So let's take a listen and see how we can clean this up. - [Interviewee] It's the first thing I look at, that bay, every morning. It's never been the same twice. - [Instructor] Okay. So I'd like to eliminate a little bit of dead…
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