From the course: Practical Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

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Buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrency

Buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrency - Blockchain Tutorial

From the course: Practical Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrency

- All right. Let's talk about buying and selling Bitcoins. First of all, let's talk about some of the most popular places where you can buy and sell Bitcoins as well as other cryptocurrencies. Coinbase. Now, most people I know that when they start off like with any single cryptocurrency, they usually start off with Coinbase. Very, very popular. A US exchange. I think they're actually an official the US Bank with some of their products as well, as well as some other products as well. So it's one of the most popular places there are out there as well. Now, they're not the only place. Like I said, Binance is another extremely popular place. Private sellers, there's like local and other places where you can buy things from private sellers. From a lot of wallet applications that you download just from you know, the iOS app store, from the Google App store. They'll usually be partnered up or have some sort of a method of you buying cryptocurrency as well. Kraken also extremely…
