From the course: PowerPoint: Slide Design Makeover

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Before: Cluttered and unorganized slide

Before: Cluttered and unorganized slide

From the course: PowerPoint: Slide Design Makeover

Before: Cluttered and unorganized slide

- [Instructor] This slide from Globe Bank features two pictures and a list of their banking services. Unlike some of the other examples, I don't think this slide needs editing. The title is descriptive and the supporting text is brief, so we'll leave it as is. The townhouse picture on the left depicts community, and the woman with a phone represents online banking. The biggest problem with this slide is that it's cluttered and unorganized. The pattern at the top of the slide is distracting, and the logo in the lower right is unnecessary. Try to keep logos to a minimum when you can, and use 'em maybe only on the opening and closing slides. The icons are inconsistent in style and alignment, and those pictures are stuck onto the slide like an afterthought. Let's pull this one together in a makeover with some structure and style consistency.
