From the course: PowerPoint: Creating an Infographic
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Choosing colors, fonts, and setting defaults - PowerPoint Tutorial
From the course: PowerPoint: Creating an Infographic
Choosing colors, fonts, and setting defaults
- [Instructor] In our next movie, we'll update the colors, fonts, and settings in our PowerPoint file to make creating graphics and text elements easier. If you want to follow along, open the exercise file called ColorsFontsDefaults_start.pptx located in this chapter's exercise folder. Also, in your exercise file folder, you'll find a PDF called TopsyTurvyCakeDesign_StyleTile.pdf. Now, throughout this course, we'll be designing an infographic for Topsy Turvy Cake Design, and this PDF contains that company's logo, its colors, and typography, which we want to use also in our infographic. So jumping back over to this PowerPoint file, you'll see it looks like what we created in earlier movies, but with the office default theme colors applied to that. In fact, if I go to my home tab, select any one of these shapes, and click on either the shape format fill color or the text fill colors. You'll see those theme colors for Office appear here. These are the default colors probably you are used…
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