From the course: Power BI Essential Training
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Create a dashboard and pin a tile - Power BI Tutorial
From the course: Power BI Essential Training
Create a dashboard and pin a tile
- [Instructor] While we love our retail analysis report, it's not our endpoint. We're now going to create a dashboard so that we can share some of our visualizations and other visualizations that aren't in this report with other members of our team. There are multiple ways to create a dashboard, but the easiest way to create a dashboard is by pinning something from a report. I'm in reading view, but if I select any visualization below it, on the small toolbar, there's a pin icon that is Pin visual. And if I am in edit mode, that same pin appears. I'm going to click Pin visual. It says, "Select an existing dashboard or create a new one." I'm going to create a new dashboard called My Retail Analysis, and click Pin. Every time I pin something to a dashboard, I'm asked if I want to create a mobile layout. We'll do that later. Right now we're going to go to our dashboard. And here's our dashboard with a single visual, and also with a Q and A capability, which is to ask a question about our…
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Power BI dashboard: The basics2m
Create a dashboard and pin a tile3m 35s
Pin a live report page to a dashboard4m 27s
Add a standalone tile to a dashboard3m 45s
Edit a dashboard2m 5s
Create a mobile view1m 34s
Add a comment or alert to a tile (users)5m 20s
Subscribe to a dashboard (users)2m 4s
Set a featured dashboard (users)2m 5s
Ask a question with Power BI Q&A6m 52s
Use Lineage view3m 42s