From the course: PostgreSQL: Advanced Queries

Gain additional insights from your PostgreSQL data - PostgreSQL Tutorial

From the course: PostgreSQL: Advanced Queries

Gain additional insights from your PostgreSQL data

- [Adam] The only reason we go through all of the trouble of creating and managing a database is so that we can turn the data that they contain into valuable information. Queries unlock the latent value in your data and they build on it and enrich it with additional nuance and insight. Hi, my name is Adam Wilbert. I've been guiding people through the world of databases for over a decade. If there's one thing that I've learned in all of that time, it's that there is always more to learn when it comes to writing creative database queries and taking advantage of all of their power and flexibility. This course is all about getting more actionable information out of your PostgreSQL databases. Learn how to move beyond the basic select statement with window functions, data partitioning, and conditional expressions. We'll also take a look at gaining useful statistical insights by grouping rows of data together and applying aggregate functions.
