From the course: Portrait Photography: Ten Styles with One Light

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Rembrandt light

Rembrandt light

- Rembrandt lighting is a little bit more dramatic than loop lighting and it's a great way to tell a story and have kind of a documentary look to its pictures and it's a little bit more mysterious than loop lighting. Whereas loop lighting is flattering, it's the kind of thing you use in a portrait of a woman, a headshot for anybody, Rembrandt lighting gives it a little bit more edge. Let me show you how this works. All we need to do to make Rembrandt lighting is connect that no shadow to the cheek and maybe even add a little bit of shade to the far eye, to the eye that's closer to the camera but also the eye that is getting the shadow on it. So I'll move this light over. That's better, there we go. Okay so the things that typify the Rembrandt lighting, when we did the loop lighting pattern, the loop shape shadow coming off the nose right there really typified the loop pattern. Now when we deal with Rembrandt, we're looking for this triangle shape of light right here on the cheek and…
