From the course: Podcasting: Business and Law
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Your right to use interviews
From the course: Podcasting: Business and Law
Your right to use interviews
- [Voiceover] Interviews. Interviews are a staple of podcasting, but unfortunately, legal experts and court decisions are unclear as to who owns the rights to an interview. Some experts believe the interviewer owns rights. Others maintain that the two speakers contribute to a mutually owned (inaudible). Still, others believe that the person being interviewed impliently consents to typical uses. For example, when a guest sits down to be interviewed, that guest is aware that the resulting interview will be posted on the internet and consent is implied. You won't have to wrestle with any of these legal issues if you seek consent from interview subjects in one of two ways, a signed written release or a recorded oral consent. A release is a contract by which someone gives up any rights to sue arising from certain activities. I've provided three alternative releases with this program. If you want maximum rights, including complete ownership for all purposes, whether book, video, or blog…
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Choosing the right name4m 16s
Using music in your podcast5m 13s
Your right to use interviews4m 10s
Responding to legal complaints4m 58s
Government regulations3m 9s
Copyright and fair use3m 15s
Defamation (libel) concerns4m 29s
Other ways lawsuits are triggered2m 54s
Rules for all podcast disputes2m 17s