From the course: PLC Simulation Software: Factory I/O with Connected Component Workbench

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Troubleshooting tips

Troubleshooting tips

- For this video, I'm going to share with you some troubleshooting tips when working with the two softwares. So the first one is when I go to the Factory I/O software and I click on connect and I get this error message. This indicates that the Factory I/O software cannot connect with the PLC with this IP address shown. So this means either the simulator PLC window is not open or the simulator PLC is not on. So if I go back to connected components, Workbench software and I click on the simulator window so either having the window open, but the power is not on, or I don't have the window at all. So once I click on the power on, then connect to this PLC so once I connect to the PLC if I go back to Factory I/O, click Okay, and then try to connect again. Once I don't see any error messages this means that the connection has been established and you can also see a disconnect option appearing. Now, if you see…
