From the course: PLC Simulation Software: Factory I/O with Connected Component Workbench

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Project demo 1

Project demo 1

- [Instructor] Now let's try to test what we have so far. So I'm going to go to the simulator window. Click on power on. And then I'm going to download this program into the PLC Simulator. So I'm going to click on Connect here, then select the connection path. Click on the IP address of the simulator PLC. Click OK. Then click on Download current project to controller. And click Download. Then I'm going to Factory I/O here to Drivers, and I'm going to connect to the PLC Simulator. All right, I'm going to go back, and I'm going to make sure that the Simulator PLC is in the run mode. Click OK. And then go back to the scene, and click Run. Now we click on the full push button, and we see that the values are showing on the display, which is great. However, they are not in seconds. The display is showing the values in milliseconds. We can actually fix that in the Connected Components program.
