From the course: PLC Simulation Software: Factory I/O with Connected Component Workbench

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Part 2: Programming

Part 2: Programming

- [Instructor] The last part of the process is adding the stop-push button. To stop the process at any time, both conveyors need to be off. And once we press on the start-push button again, the process resume. So I'm going to add an XIC instruction in both rungs. I'm using an XIC instruction because the stop-push button is a normally closed contact. So I'm going to grab an XIC instruction and then look for the address of the stop-push button. And I'll do the same for the second rung. Now, this part ensures that both conveyors will stop as soon as the stop-push button is pressed. Now, looking back at the program, we see that for the entry conveyor, it will start again as soon as I press on the start-push button. However, in order to make these second conveyor start again, I need to program another option in case it stops in the middle of the process. So for that, I'm going to add another branch for the second rank. And…
