From the course: PLC Simulation Software: Factory I/O with Connected Component Workbench

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Final project demo

Final project demo

- So now I'm going to download this program into the simulator PLC. So, the first thing is I'm going to open the simulator PLC window, make sure that the power is on, then I'm going to go back to the software and click to connect. Then select "Download current project to the controller," click on "Download." So, now the download is completed. That means the ladder logic program has been downloaded into the simulator PLC. So, going back to factory IO, I'm going to go to "File," click on "Drivers," then connect to the simulator PLC. Right, I'm going to go back to the scene. And now I want to make sure that the simulator PLC is in the "Run" mode. Click "Okay," then click on "Run here." Now I'm going to test the program and see the time showing in the timer display. So, I'm going to go ahead and click on the "Full" push button. You see now that the time now is showing in seconds. I can also test the program…
