From the course: PLC: Industrial Sensors

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- Thanks for taking the time to join me in this course. 2 This course gave you an overview 3 of the common sensors 4 used within an industrial automation system. 5 If you'd like to learn 6 about connecting digital and analog sensors to PLCs, 7 check out the following two courses, 8 input sensors with PLC, syncing and sourcing 9 and input sensors with PLC 10 four to 20 milliamps current loop. 11 To continue learning about the industrial automation field, 12 I recommend checking out the following courses, 13 introduction to PLC and Industrial Automation, 14 learn Industrial Automation and Learning SCADA. 15 If you'd like to learn about PLC later logic programming, 16 I recommend checking out the learning path, 17 become a PLC developer. 18 I look forward to seeing you in another course.
