From the course: Planning for Microsoft Entra ID

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Preparing the firewalls and ports

Preparing the firewalls and ports

- [Instructor] The third component is the firewalls. Yes, not one, but a few. The exact number will depend on if you have a twofold or a threefold configuration. If you install AD Connect and the database on the same server, then you will have a twofold configuration of the firewalls: one between the AD Connect server and the domain controller, the other between the AD Connect server and Azure AD. But if you install the database on a separate server, then you will have a threefold configuration. You'll also have to take care of the communication between the AD Connect server and its database. For this, the ports that need to be open are the standard SQL port of 1433 or whatever custom port you're using between AD Connect and its database. For communication between the AD Connect server and Azure AD, all you need are the standard HTTP and HTTPS ports open, 80 and 443, which are mostly open anyway. So, you don't have to do…
