From the course: Photoshop for Photographers

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Special effect sharpening

Special effect sharpening - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop for Photographers

Special effect sharpening

In this movie, I want to take what we've been learning and add to it by talking about how sometimes when we're sharpen our images, we'll use some traditional sharpening tools. In other situations, we actually might use some untraditional approaches which involve adding clarity or texture or color and then using blending modes. So let's explore how we can do that with this image here. I'll go ahead and click and drag this to the new layer icon. Double click the layer name and I'm going to name this "sharpen." And what I really want to do is I want to bring out a little bit more detail of the hair here. This was a portrait that I captured and I love the portrait. Her hair is just absolutely amazing. And so let's say I want to add a little bit more to that. I want to add a little bit more texture and feeling to that part of the image. So here, we'll go to our Filter pull-down menu. And we're going to Camera Raw as a filter. Now inside of Camera Raw, I'll zoom in as well by pressing…
