From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

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Transforming selections and removing halos

Transforming selections and removing halos - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

Transforming selections and removing halos

- [Narrator] Often when making selections of hard edge objects, we need to make slight adjustments to the edges to remove halos to make seamless compositions. In this image, I want to replace the background and the reflection in the mirror. So we have three different layers. I've got this blurred background layer, then we've got the mirror layer, and then another photograph of the mountain that I want to appear within that mirror. So with the mirror layer targeted, I will start by selecting my elliptical marquee tool, and then I'll drag out an elliptical marquee. But because of the perspective of the photograph, we're not going to get it to match up exactly when we just drag it out. Instead, we'll need to release the mouse and then use the select menu and choose to transform the selection. I'll go ahead and zoom in so that we can see this a little bit better. And I'll want to start by just rotating this. The perspective of the mirror is sort of at an angle here, so I'm going to rotate…
