From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

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Sharing documents for review

Sharing documents for review

- [Instructor] When you need feedback on your documents, Photoshop's Share for Review feature can be very convenient for a number of reasons. First, the person who shares the file is in control of what the reviewer sees and when they see it. Second, the recipient receives a single link per document that remains the same throughout the review process, even if the document is updated. And third, the recipient doesn't need a Creative Cloud account and can view and make comments in a browser, which can then be seen by the owner of the file directly within Photoshop's Comment panel. So we can choose the File menu and select Share for Review, or we can simply click on the Share button. If you've made edits to the document, you will need to save it first. Then we can give the link a name and decide what kind of control you want. You can choose between Only invited people can comment or Anyone with the link can comment. Then I'll choose to create the link. When we create the link, under the…
