From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

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Saving cloud documents and collaborative editing

Saving cloud documents and collaborative editing - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

Saving cloud documents and collaborative editing

- [Instructor] In addition to saving and exporting files, you can choose to share your images as cloud documents in order to access those documents across devices or share them with other people for collaborative commenting and editing. Now, to save an image to the cloud, I'll choose file, and then save as. I'll want to choose Photoshop as the file format and then we can access the save to cloud documents button. I'll save this to the cloud and choose save. As soon as the document has been saved, we will see the cloud icon in the title bar. Alright, let's close this. So now that it's saved in the cloud, where can we access our cloud files? Well, from the Photoshop home screen, we can choose your files, and here is that cloud document. You'll notice that it is not a PSD file, it's a PSDC, so it's a Photoshop cloud document. We can also access them under the Creative Cloud desktop app if we go to files, and then your files. And you can access it across devices. So in Photoshop, on the…
