From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

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Pen skills in practice

Pen skills in practice

- [Instructor] So now that we know how to make straight paths and curved paths and change the direction of paths, let's go ahead and put it all to use. We're going to create the shape of this duck, and we're going to use these guides to help us create our path, and then we'll turn it into a shape. I'm going to start at the top of the head here, and I'm going to click and drag up with the pen tool in order to start the direction line and the direction of my path going upwards. Then I'll click on the second point here and start dragging down. Then we can click on this next point and just drag a wee bit, and then the same with the next one. But I want this next direction line to be much longer. However, if I keep dragging out that length, then we're going to have a problem with the neck. So let's just back this up a little bit. And then in order to split these direction lines, I'll hold down the option key on the Mac or the alt key on Windows to give me the option to drag this one…
