From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

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Loading, selecting, aligning, and distributing layers

Loading, selecting, aligning, and distributing layers - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

Loading, selecting, aligning, and distributing layers

- [Tutor] As we get more comfortable working with layers, there are a few tools that will help us to be more efficient. I'm going to scoot to Bridge because I want to add all four of these small images of fruit, but I don't want to open them into separate documents, because then I'd have to drag and drop each one of the documents into our Harvest image. So instead, I'll use the tools menu, come down to Photoshop, and then we can load these files into Photoshop layers. Photoshop will automatically open a new document and it's going to load all four of those images into the single document. If we take a look at the layers panel, we can see each one of these different documents as its own layer. And because we use the load into Photoshop layers, Photoshop has automatically named each of the layers for us. Now, in order to move these over to the Harvest image, I'll use the window menu and choose Arrange, and then we can tile this. On the layers panel, I've got the pepper selected. I'll…
