From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

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Linked vs. embedded Smart Object

Linked vs. embedded Smart Object - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

Linked vs. embedded Smart Object

- [Instructor] Photoshop has the ability to place a linked or an embedded smart object. An embedded smart object has no connection with the original source image once it's placed into Photoshop. On the other hand, when you add a linked smart object to a Photoshop document, that linked layer is still connected to the original document. Let's take a look. I'm going to create a new file at just the default seven by five inches at eight bit with the Adobe RGB color profile. Then I'm going to use the file menu and choose place embedded, navigate to the smart objects folder, and then I'm going to place the lobster.PSD file. I'll go ahead and make this a little smaller, just holding down the option or the alt key in order to transform from the center and then reposition it on the left hand side of the image. Then I'll choose done in order to apply that transformation and use Command + Zero or Ctrl + Zero in order to zoom in a bit. Now in order to edit the contents of this embedded smart…
