From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

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Creating, saving, and masking images to shapes

Creating, saving, and masking images to shapes - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

Creating, saving, and masking images to shapes

- [Instructor] Now let's find out how to combine multiple shapes into a single layer. Save that shape as a custom shape, and then clip a photograph to multiple custom shapes so that the photo is only seen within the shape. I'm going to simplify this document by deleting all except for one of the groups. So I'll just select them in the layers panel and tap Delete. And then in this group, I'm going to remove this flower shape as well. So I'll target it and tap Delete. Then I want to hide the rectangle layer, and I'm going to select both the ellipse and the polygon layers. And I want to add a stroke to these. So in the properties panel, I'll click on the stroke icon, add maybe a pink color like this, and then I'm going to increase the stroke to say 25 pixels. All right, let's zoom in. I'll use Command+one on Mac, Control+one on Windows, in order to zoom into our shape. Because our shapes are each on their own layer, we can target either one of the layers and tap the V key to select the…
