From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

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Applying layer effects and styles

Applying layer effects and styles - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2025 Essential Training

Applying layer effects and styles

- [Instructor] Photoshop has a number of built-in, non-destructive effects, including Drop Shadows, Overlays, Glows, and Strokes, which can be applied to a variety of different kind of layers. Let's start by adding a Drop Shadow to Image 01. I'm going to zoom in using Command-1 on Mac, Control-1 on Windows, and use these Space Bar in order to navigate so that we see Image 01 in the preview area. Then we can add our layer effects by using Layer and then Layer Style and then choosing one of the effects, or we can use the FX icon at the bottom of the Layers panel and choose the Drop Shadow. To make sure that we are all starting with the same settings, I'll choose Reset to Default for the Drop Shadow, then we can change the Blend Mode as well as the Color, the Opacity, the Angle, the Distance, Spread and Size. I'll make this a little bit more opaque, and I'll change the Angle, I'll increase the Distance, and then I'll make it a little bit softer by increasing the Size. We can add multiple…
