From the course: Photoshop 2024 Essential Training

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Working with Adobe Stock

Working with Adobe Stock

- [Instructor] Adobe Stock can be a fast and easy way to find and purchase assets for your project. For this image, I want to search for another photo of a deserted highway. I'm going to go into the Canyon Land library and across the top, the default is to search the current library, but we can also choose to search in Adobe Stock. I'll go ahead and type in deserted highway and we can see the results. Now there are a number of different ways that I can filter. Here, I don't want to look for a vector, but instead I want to select photos. Then we can scroll down until we find an image that we want to use for our project. When I find an image, I can click on the plus icon and Photoshop will automatically download it to my open library. Then I'll drag and drop that in the image area, and then I can scale it and transform it in order to see what it would look like. We can see that there's an Adobe Stock watermark on top…
