From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
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Working with layer groups and the Frame tool - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
Working with layer groups and the Frame tool
- [Instructor] As you work more and more with layers, one of the things that can happen is that your layers panel might get a bit out of control. So in order to organize your layers, you can use layer groups. Not only do layer groups help you organize your layers, you can also move all of your layers in a group at one time, you can scale them, you can change opacity and blend modes. You can even mask all of the layers or create special effects by adding layer effects to groups. So I'm going to double click on the properties panel tab in order to just collapse it and make it a little bit smaller. And then in my layers panel, with all four of these small images selected, I'm going to add them to a group. And I can do that by either dragging them down to this folder icon right here, or we can use the keyboard shortcut, Command G on Mac, or Control G on Windows. You'll notice that when I place them into the group the group is…
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