From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
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Warping images - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
Warping images
- [Instructor] Photoshop's warp tools are a great way to distort an image in order to composite it with another. Here we've got this corrugated metal on a fence, and I want to put a photo on the metal. The first thing that I'll do, is I will select the metal layer, and then I'm going to choose the object selection tool, and drag out a rectangle around the corrugated metal, and Photoshop will shrink wrap that, and select it. Then I'll use the layer menu, choose new and then layer via copy in order to create a copy of the metal, which I'm going to use as the base layer for a clipping mask in a few moments. All right, let's start distorting our photo. I'll make that visible and then use Command + T or Control + T in order to free transform it. I'll go ahead and scale it down, and I can see that I have the link unlinked. So let me undo that, and then link this so that it constrains the proportions, and then I'll…
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Scaling, skewing, and rotating layers using Free Transform5m 41s
Correcting the perspective of an image4m 41s
Warping images6m 23s
Using Liquify to reshape an image6m 55s
Using Vanishing point to paste in perspective5m 27s
Using Smart Objects to transform multiple layers as one4m 2s