From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
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Using the Object Select tool - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
Using the Object Select tool
- [Instructor] Photoshop's Object Selection Tool uses AI and ML to help select objects in an image. While I find that sometimes I need to make refinements to the selection, it can certainly be much quicker than starting from scratch. Plus, Adobe frequently updates the learning model and I expect that it's going to continue to improve over time. I'll go ahead and select the Object Selection Tool. Now, by default, the object finder is enabled and this little icon here usually spins while it's detecting objects in the image. Then when I position my cursor over the image, we can see the objects being highlighted. If I want Photoshop to create a selection, I just need to click within one of those highlighted areas. Now we can see I've got the marching ants around this hut and if I wanted to add another hut, well then I can use this second icon here which will help me by adding to the selection. I'll position my cursor over this hut…
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