From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training

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Sharing libraries

Sharing libraries

- [Instructor] There are times when you may want to share the contents of a library with members of a team or distribute the contents to other people. Photoshop has two different ways to do this depending on the amount of control you want over the assets in your libraries. So the first thing that we'll do is we will select the library that we want to share. And then, using the flyout menu, we can either choose to invite people or get a link. We'll start with invite people. That's going to take us directly to the Creative Cloud desktop app. And don't worry if yours looks a little bit different, because Adobe often updates and modifies this interface. The key is that you need to add the invite, so in this case, the email of the person that you want to share your library with. You can also add a message, and then you can determine whether or not they can edit the library or if they can only view the library. As soon as you…
