From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
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Saving and opening files in Photoshop - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
Saving and opening files in Photoshop
- [Instructor] When we're finished making our adjustments in Camera Raw, we have a number of different options to either apply those adjustments and open the document in Photoshop or save the image into another file format. Let's take a look at both of these workflows. I'm going to double click to open the basalt.dng into Camera Raw. And if I want to open this file into Photoshop, then I'll want to set up my workflow settings. I'll click on the hyperlink, and we get all of our different workflow preferences. Here, I can choose the color space that I want to use. I'll choose Adobe RGB. And the bit depth, I'll choose 16 bits per channel. That's going to make a little bit larger of a file, but if I need to continue making edits in Photoshop, it's going to give me a lot more headroom so that it doesn't degrade the quality of the image. I could also choose to resize the image as I hand it off to Photoshop, but I actually…
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A tour of the Camera Raw interface6m 27s
Removing distortions and cropping photos6m 34s
Working with profiles and presets7m 21s
Enhancing contrast, color, and tone9m 20s
Removing distracting elements9m 20s
Using the masking tools to adjust a portion of an image15m 53s
Using masking to retouch portraits5m 42s
Black-and-white vintage color toning effects7m 34s
Saving and opening files in Photoshop5m 46s