From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
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Removing larger elements from an image - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
Removing larger elements from an image
- [Instructor] When trying to remove larger elements in an image, it might be best to copy a really large region of good information in order to replace that unwanted content. So for me, this photograph is really all about the verticals and the horizontals, and I really don't like this messy iceberg back here, so that's what I want to replace. I'll tap the L key to select the lasso tool, and I'm going to replace that iceberg with content from this iceberg right here. So I need to copy this to its own layer, I'll choose Layer, New, and then Layer Via Copy, so we can see I have that extra information now on layer one. All right, I'll tap the V key to select the move tool, and then just reposition that, and then I'll need to add a mask so that I can make it appear only within that iceberg, but it's difficult to do if we can't see the iceberg. So instead of just clicking on the mask icon at the bottom of the Layers panel to…
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