From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
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Merging and flattening layers - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
Merging and flattening layers
- [Instructor] As your documents begin to contain more and more layers, sometimes those file sizes will grow to be quite large. So, people are always looking for a way to reduce the file size. But unfortunately, the different ways that Photoshop has to merge layers or flatten images, also removes some of the flexibility. But we can take a look at them anyway, just so you can decide for yourself. At the bottom of the image area I'm going to change the status bar so that it shows me the document sizes. Now, the document size on the left is the size of the image if it was flattened. So flattened, this would be about a 28 mg file. But with all of the layers that we have, it's 106 mbs. So, the first way that we could decrease the file size is if we have any layers in our document that extend beyond the canvas size. So, that doesn't include the small photos, and it wouldn't include the logo, but I do have two…
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