From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
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Loading, selecting, aligning, and distributing layers - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
Loading, selecting, aligning, and distributing layers
- [Instructor] As you get more comfortable with working with layers, there are a few tools that will help us to be much more efficient. I'm going to scoot back to Bridge where I want to select the Tomatoes, Strawberries, Pumpkins, and Peppers. I want to combine this with the Harvest.psd file. But to do so quickly I can use Tools, and then Photoshop, and then Load Files into Photoshop Layers. This will tell Bridge to hand off all four of those images into a single document. Here we see Untitled one and it's got all four of these layers. In order to combine the two documents, I'll use the Window menu, and then Arrange, and Tile, and then I'll select all four of the layers on the Layers panel. Peppers is already selected so I'll hold down the Shift key and click on Tomatoes. Then we can drag and drop these, holding down the Shift key again in order to drop the layers in the center of the document. Now I no longer…
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