From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
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Editing in Camera Raw or Lightroom vs. Photoshop - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
Editing in Camera Raw or Lightroom vs. Photoshop
- [Instructor] I'm often asked when and what types of edits should be made in Camera Raw or Lightroom or Lightroom Classic, and when should edits be made in Photoshop? Well, when working with photographs, especially raw files captured on a digital camera or mobile device, it's best to make as many corrections and adjustments to those photographs using the technology found in Camera Raw before opening them up into Photoshop. As far as what types of edits should be made, the Camera Raw technology excels at adjusting and enhancing color and tone and contrast and images, and it can be implied to the entire photograph or to just a selective area within the photograph. Let's take a look at three examples. So the first image has been straightened, it's also been cropped, and some lens distortion has been removed. In addition, the tonal and color values have been adjusted and there have been some local adjustments, some lightening…
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