From the course: Photography Foundations: Flash

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Slow sync flash

Slow sync flash

with the idea of balancing your flash exposure with your ambient exposure. When you get into very, very low light you get to a very extreme balancing act. If you've ever taken a flash picture at night or in a very dark room and found that you had a subject that was brightly lit And that's what we're going to look at here. If you've ever taken a flash picture at night or in a very dark room and found that you had a subject that was brightly lit and a background that was completely dark, that's bad balance between your flash and your ambient lighting. Your camera possibly has a mode on it that will automatically take care of doing that. We're going to build up a solution in a manual way so that you can see exactly how this works. So let's say that I come into my friend Heather's painting studio, and I find her at her easel painting, and in the distance is her subject. And I want to take a picture of both of them. So I might start here by Even at a high ISO. I've got a pop up flash here…
