From the course: Photography Foundations: Flash
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Shoot with three flashes
From the course: Photography Foundations: Flash
Shoot with three flashes
- After all that work, I've got my three lights in place. I'm ready to go. And it was a lot of work and Stephen's been very patient just sitting there as I move around and I've mostly been kind of, all right. He's getting less patient. I've mostly been ignoring him through the whole thing. If you are hiring a model and you can't afford a lot of their time, or if you have been tasked to shoot a CEO or somebody who doesn't have a lot of time, you need to get this set up ahead of time. You need a stand in sitting here that you can work with, ideally about the same height and skin color so that you can get your lights set because as you've seen, it can take a lot of trial and error. Hopefully, I haven't worn out my welcome. So I'm just going to get going on this shot and then we're going to arrange some others and then we're going to have Stephen start playing and see what we can get going there. I'm probably going to make some lens and camera changes along the way, maybe even some…
Communicating with a handheld flash5m 49s
Set flash exposure manually6m 25s
Position a key light5m 6s
Set flash exposure with TTL1m 50s
Change light source size with diffusion5m 21s
Handheld flash as fill light3m 49s
Handheld flash as backlight3m 41s
Shoot with three flashes6m 29s