From the course: Photography Foundations: Exposure (part 1)
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Hands-on with program mode
From the course: Photography Foundations: Exposure (part 1)
Hands-on with program mode
- So I've left the studio. I've come out here to this really cool farm in the hills above Santa Barbara, to just walk you through some kind of real world examples of shooting in Program Mode, and shooting with flies. So, things are pretty simple for you right now. There's a lot of stuff you need to remember, but my main concern, shooting in Program Mode right now, is going to be just controlling exposure, making sure that things aren't overexposing, if I want to, getting the under or overexposure that I want for aesthetic reasons. Of course, I'm worried about camera shake. Now, there is another exposure factor that we haven't talked about yet, that we're going to get to in Part Two of this course, and that's depth of field. Depth of field is something that is controlled by aperture, and it controls how deep the focus is in your image. If you've ever seen a portrait where the background is really soft and blurry, that's because…
What is exposure compensation?6m 54s
Hands-on with program mode6m 4s
How to read the histogram5m 1s
The histogram in practice7m 11s
Real-world histograms9m 23s
Making adjustments for tonal accuracy3m 6s
Image editors and histograms5m 35s
Auto-exposure bracketing3m 10s