From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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Workshop wrap-up and exhibition

Workshop wrap-up and exhibition

Ben Long: It's the last day of the workshop. We are all done. The images have been printed. They are on display. Students are walking from studio to studio looking at each other's work. Connie, you've done these exercises a lot in a lot of workshops. They've done some great work here this weekend. Is this typically what you find from these exercises? Connie Imboden: When I have students who are really excited about what they're doing, are really committed, yes. But often I don't have students that are as committed as these students have been, and I think this work has really just been marvelous. Ben: They are very, very simple exercises. It's interesting, we did them with the students this summer, and it's amazing how the same exercises, it just seems you put them in front of anybody and it really does change the way they see. Connie: Right! Well, we're used to composing around subjects and the light assignment especially forces you to…
