From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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Vignette to drive attention

Vignette to drive attention

- [Instructor] We've already discussed how tone can be a powerful compositional tool, how changes in tone can be a way that you can drive the viewer's eye around the frame. Even if you have not built a composition around a tonal idea, there's still a tonal trick you can employ to help control the viewer's eye, and that's to apply a vignette to the image. A vignette is simply a darkening of the corners in an image. Vignetting is something that some lenses do automatically, although that's not generally seen as a feature. In fact, when you are shopping for a lens, particularly a wide-angle lens, you want to pay attention to the corners and make sure that they don't vignette. In Lightroom, we can add a vignette by going to the Effects panel and choosing this Post Crop Vignetting tool. So here, I've got this amount. This just controls how dark I want the vignette. So watch what happens as I just darken the corners a little bit, just the feel of the image changes. You can't quite see that…
