From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition
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Shooting the light
From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition
Shooting the light
Male speaker: The assignment is to capture light and part of the idea of capturing light is you're capturing form as well. So I was just playing with the light coming across the building here, being shadowed by the overhang, making these triangular statements here, the shadow that falls underneath the boards themselves and just trying to look at that in a variety of ways. Even with all of this going on you've got all these sort of sub-statements going on as well, so I am curious to see how that will translate out into the final images. Ben: Like you, these students have been given the task of going out and trying to shoot light as a subject itself. So they're looking for interesting plays of light. They're looking for scenarios where the light has caught their attention and can hold down the subject of an entire photo on its own. Something that's interesting about a class like this is we've got a wide variety of skill levels, some of these…