From the course: Photography Foundations: Black and White

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Selective edits with PS adjustment layers

Selective edits with PS adjustment layers - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photography Foundations: Black and White

Selective edits with PS adjustment layers

- [Instructor] While there is a lot of work that you can do in Lightroom and while there's no reason you can't take an image all the way to completion just in Lightroom, I tend to mix it up and use both Lightroom and Photoshop on most black and white images that I work with, because Photoshop offers an extra little feature in the histogram that no other image editor has, and it's one that I think is just critical. So you'll see that in a minute. I'm going to start here just by making the basic tonal edits that this image needs and it's in pretty good shape. I could strengthen the blacks a little bit. The thing that worries me the most about this image is, this is real bright right here. It's not overexposed. If I turn on the clipping highlight warning, you see there's no red in here anywhere. I haven't blown anything out. That's shown here. Nothing overexposed. But look at this big bump right here. This is just like in the cat image from the last movie. That's some tonality that we…
