From the course: Photography: Advanced Composition

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- A few months ago, we shot an episode of The Practicing Photographer that involved me shooting in an industrial park for about an hour. I came back with 100 or so images and, upon looking through them, I found these four images, this one, this one, this one, and this one. These images were not shot back-to-back, they were spread out over the course of an hour, and a very large physical area, and I had no idea that I was shooting them. I mean, I had no idea that I was shooting this same composition over and over. When we were done, I took a look through my library. I had everything I shot in the previous two weeks. Not as part of that shoot, just things I was shooting on my own. And I found this and this, this, this, and this. I had no idea that I've taken this same composition so many times. So, then I kept looking. This is 2015, this is 2016, this is 2015, 2015, 2015, 2015, as is this one, 2013, also 2013, 2011, 2011, 2008. It's time for me to admit that I have a problem. Honestly…
