From the course: Photography: Advanced Composition

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Looking at recognizable abstractions

Looking at recognizable abstractions

From the course: Photography: Advanced Composition

Looking at recognizable abstractions

- We're going to get a little subjective now. You may not agree that the images that I'm about to show you are abstract, but, as far as I'm concerned, that's the beauty of this whole teaching on video thing, because I can't actually hear you. I actually agree that these images are not necessarily abstract. They are recognizable things. But I feel like, from a compositional standpoint, we're still in the realm of somewhat pure composition. For example, consider this image by Olivia Prichard. It's obviously a piece of stone, you can tell that right away. But the point of this photo is not that this is a piece of stone. Whatever this rock is, the rock is not the subject of the image. If it were, she would have framed this differently. She would've framed the rock within the context of something else. The point of this image is the beautiful arrangement of lines and shapes, light and dark, that she has revealed through her cropping in this scene. I just love how this line comes from the…
