From the course: Photography: Advanced Composition
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Layers: Foreground and background
From the course: Photography: Advanced Composition
Layers: Foreground and background
- As we've already discussed, we're throwing around a lot of ideas in this course. Some of them are very simple, some are more sophisticated. But I can say that, in my opinion, the most difficult compositional thing for anyone to learn, is that, because a photograph flattens the three dimensional world it's possible for an object that's close to you to relate compositionally to an object that's far away. Here's a very simply example. I shot this on a dry lake bed in Death Valley, with the idea of relating that little black stone at the bottom, to that cloud at the top. The cloud is far away in the distance, the rock was up close, but here on the flat surface of this photograph, they exist in relationship to each other in a way they didn't in the real world. Here's another example. Using the hills there in the background with the light over them to balance the bridge over there on the left. If you were standing at this scene, looking at it with your eyes, you wouldn't see anything…
Composing around light13m 13s
Potential light compositions5m 43s
Composing around geometry11m 7s
Composing around things12m 13s
Exploring point of view6m 51s
Layers: Foreground and background6m 24s
Exploring the ways a composition can be shaped9m 6s