From the course: PFTrack Essential Training

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Exporting to other software

Exporting to other software - PFTrack Tutorial

From the course: PFTrack Essential Training

Exporting to other software

- [Instructor] So our scene is oriented properly, and now we're ready to export out to our animation package. So let's right click on the orient camera, and under the I/O, let's go to Scene Export and add a scene export node. There's a bunch of different options here. The first one we'll take a look at is the format, and if we click on the drop down for the format, you can see that we have a bunch of different options here for different packages that can be exported out from PFTrack. I'm going to leave it at alembic. We're going to want the camera, so let's keep that. The other thing we want are their trackers, so that we have these positions. Now, you can turn these on and off if you'd like, by default it's going to select all the trackers. But, for example, if you only wanted some of the trackers you can turn them on and off here, so that they're not exported. I know going into After Effects sometimes, you don't want all…
