From the course: Persuasive Coaching

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How to build trust

How to build trust

- Some people seem to be naturally trustworthy, while others make us skeptical. The truth is, when you enter into a coaching relationship trust is something you can build or rebuild when necessary. Let's take a look at several ways you can do that. By focusing on the other person, showing you generally care about them and their success, you can enhance trust. To do this, engage the principle of liking, because people are more willing to say yes to those they know and like. Look for what you have in common, and talk about those areas. Pay genuine compliments when the person you coach has done something well. Sometimes, people need more confidence that what you're suggesting will actually work. That is, they need to believe that what you're telling them will help them move closer to their goals. Two principles come into play here: Social proof, and authority, so let's look at each. Social proof is the human tendency to follow the lead of others. This has been built into our brains over…
