From the course: Personal Effectiveness Tips
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Stop people from wasting your time
From the course: Personal Effectiveness Tips
Stop people from wasting your time
- You have a lot you're responsible for. Meetings, deadlines, returning emails, getting that project done, and yet, some people just don't get it, and they keep wasting your time. You try to be polite, yet brief, but they do not get the message. They have all the time in the world, and they seem to think you do too. But to acquiesce to their mindset means giving up all hope of productivity, and you can't afford to do that. You have to fight back very nicely, because they have the best of intentions. But fight back nonetheless, here's how to do it. First, a major and very common time-waster is people who make ambiguous requests. "Hey Dorie, let's have lunch, there's a lot to talk about." Well, what does that mean? Is there a business deal in the offing, or does he just want to chit chat with me, or is it just a general, let's keep in touch? My decision about whether to take the meeting varies a lot depending on what the goal is, so it's important to know. So it's perfectly okay to go…
What to do when people don’t support your next career move3m 31s
How to stay motivated when things are slow at the office2m 49s
How to establish expertise inside your company2m 54s
How to know when it’s OK to ignore feedback3m 20s
Getting people to listen to you when you’re not seen as an expert2m 45s
Stop people from wasting your time3m 5s
How to score a meeting with almost anyone2m 44s
Embracing gratitude at work3m 11s
Getting the right people to notice your ideas3m
How to avoid being underestimated3m 12s
How to learn from your rivals2m 30s
How to avoid coming off as too passionate2m 53s
How to positively respond to criticism3m 1s