From the course: Personal Effectiveness Tips
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How to deal with an insensitive colleague
From the course: Personal Effectiveness Tips
How to deal with an insensitive colleague
- It's inevitable in any company or team that there will be someone you don't get along with. But it's especially tough when you feel the person is insensitive. Who are they to disregard other people? Do they just think they're better than everyone else? What is their problem? It could feel gratifying to vent about someone who seems haughty or querulous. But honestly, it's not that helpful. If you're supposed to work with them it's better to develop a coping strategy that ratchets things down rather than stirring things up. Here's how to do it. First, you can try to minimize your contact with that particular coworker. It doesn't always work. You may unfortunately be assigned to work with them pretty closely, but often you can find subtle ways to avoid spending so much time with them. It can even be something as simple as taking your break at 11 if you know they typically take theirs at 10:30. You can also make an effort to communicate with them where possible in the channel you're…
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