From the course: Personal Effectiveness Tips
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Getting the right people to notice your ideas
From the course: Personal Effectiveness Tips
Getting the right people to notice your ideas
- You may have great ideas, but it's crowded and noisy out there, and people are often too busy to pay attention. How can you attract the attention of the people you most want to reach? Here are three ways to break through and get the right people to notice. First, one strategy is to write about the people you'd like to connect with. This could take the form of interviewing them. For instance, it may be hard to get a meeting with the top executive at your company, but if you offer to interview them for the company blog, or magazine, or newsletter, they're almost certainly going to make the time, and in many cases, you don't even need to interview someone. In the era of Google Alerts, where people can get notified when they're written about, sometimes just mentioning them is enough. For instance, I once wrote a blog post mentioning David Allen, the productivity expert, he saw it and actually reached out to me offering to chat. That enabled us to build a connection and he later was one…
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How to establish expertise inside your company2m 54s
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Getting people to listen to you when you’re not seen as an expert2m 45s
Stop people from wasting your time3m 5s
How to score a meeting with almost anyone2m 44s
Embracing gratitude at work3m 11s
Getting the right people to notice your ideas3m
How to avoid being underestimated3m 12s
How to learn from your rivals2m 30s
How to avoid coming off as too passionate2m 53s
How to positively respond to criticism3m 1s