From the course: Pair Programming with AI
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GitHub Copilot is context aware
From the course: Pair Programming with AI
GitHub Copilot is context aware
- [Instructor] One major advantage of working with a true AI pair programmer like GitHub co-pilot is its context aware to your project. And that's hard to understand until you see just how effective it is. So let me show you a real world demonstration. In our collection data Object, we have all of this information, including under avatar. We have root source, source set with height and alt. Now, if we go over to collection item, you'll remember when we call in this data, we only use Root, Width and Height and this information is coming out of that file. Now, if we go over to Image, we're capturing all that information and using it. But let's say I wanted to add the SourceSet attribute as well because I've wanted to use the full responsive images functionality. If I go into Image JSX right now and I add a new line and I start typing out SourceSet co-pilot, will look at it and go, I don't have any data so I'm going to output…