From the course: Pair Programming with AI

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Asking ChatGPT to build a typing speed tester

Asking ChatGPT to build a typing speed tester

From the course: Pair Programming with AI

Asking ChatGPT to build a typing speed tester

- [Instructor] Let's see how well Chat GPT handles a considerably more challenging test. I wanted to develop a webpage that has a typing speed tester. This involves several different challenges. It has to provide some default text that the user can type out. It has to measure the typing speed. It has to have a start and stop button, et cetera. So it also requires a bit more of a prompt to explain exactly what I want. So here's what I'll type out. "Build a website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript that provides typing a speed tester. The website must include text for testing, a timer an input field, a pause button, a reset button, and a character account. (keyboard clacking) The timer should start when the user starts typing and stop either when the user clicks the pause button, the reset button, or when the user has completed typing out the sample text." Finally, I need to specify what I want. "Provide the code for each…
